Bio-Immune Probiotic – 500ml


Good bacteria for Healthy Gut. Helps with Candida and losing weight, lowering cholesterol, Heart Problems, Diabetes. It’s also an Immune Booster.




This Liquid Probiotic helps with IBS and other stomach problems, flu & viruses. Help protect against harmful compounds and support our immune system. Allow our bodies to use protein more efficiently.


  • 12 strains of good bacteria
  • Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis
  • Bi bifidum
  • Bi longum
  • Lactabacilus acidophylis
  • L fermentum
  • L Plantarum
  • L diacetylactis
  • L lactis
  • Bacilus subtilis
  • Rhodopseudomonas palustris
  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  • Streptococcus thermophiles
  1. Kobus van Wyk

    After an operation in which 17cm of my bowel was removed, I struggled a lot with stomach pain until I started using the natural product Bio-Immune.
    My problems are now a thing of the past.

  2. Kobus van Wyk

    My grandchild’s tongue was full of blisters yesterday due to his gut bacteria that were not balanced. It hurts a lot and he did not want to eat.
    His mother smeared Bio-Immune on his tongue and gave him 5ml to drink.
    His tongue is now normal again and he also ate.

  3. Kobus van Wyk

    After years of serious problems and two operations on my colon and not being able to eat wheat products and suffering severely from constipation, this is now something of the past. Due to Bio-Immune Probiotic, I am regular every day and there is no constipation anymore.
    Secondly, due to the added vitamins and minerals, I have a boost of energy up to the point that I do not require any other products (e.g., Berocca boost) that I used before. I also believe that because of the product I am the only one in the team at the office that has not contracted any flu. Since one of my co-workers was diagnosed with Swine Flu last week, we had a serious outbreak of people getting the flu and one other worker also contracted Swine Flu.
    I am still feeling great and have no signs of flu. Thank you so much for introducing me to your product and I will continue to promote this as I fully believe in the product’s benefits.

  4. Kobus van Wyk

    Bio-Immune Probiotics were provided to 2 individual patients over 30 days, suffering from HIV, and who showed symptoms of fatigue and tiredness due to immune deficiency. Both patients are currently using ARVs. The one employee’s CD4 count before the use of this liquid Probiotic was 220 and by using your product increased to above 1000.
    The other employee’s CD4 count was not taken before and after, but there was an enormously positive response to his general health, which deteriorated again after stopping the treatment.
    We would like to keep on suggesting this product to clients who really
    have no hope anymore with their conditions.
    Mr. Olivier – Pharmacy Owner

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