Glyconutrients – 60 capsules


Special: Buy 3 and get for R430 each

Glyconutrients are only natural, healthy complex sugars that are found in nature that are used to help the human body to heal itself. It focuses on your overall wellness with natural and plant-sourced products that contain specialised nutrients that supplement the body to help keep you healthy.


Glyconutrients is ALL-NATURAL micro nutrition the body needs to produce new stem cells – this product works on a cellular level, generating new stem cells.

Promote cell-to-cell communication – becoming the building blocks that assist the body in healing itself.

These micronutrients we need but do not get in today’s diet. Modern diets have changed as a result of poor soil nutrition and herbicides used during cultivation.

As a result, the body does not get enough nutrition, vitamins, minerals and amino assets needed to build new healthy cells.

Glyconutrients contain the 8 essential sugars – the alphabet on cell communication to assist the body in healing itself.

Helps with lung conditions including asthma and bronchitis as well as heart disease and contributing conditions such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, kidney disease, cancer, and liver disease.

Arabinogalactan, Ghatti Gum, Spirulina, Aloe Vera, Chondroitin, Glucosamine, Reishi Mushroom, Wolfberry, Astragalus

  1. Kobus van Wyk

    My arthritis feels better. It promotes my emotional state, memory, thinking and zest for life. I feel like a different person since I started using it.
    I can clean the house without getting so tired. Last year struggled to get in and out of the caravan due to pain and fatigue.
    Chris has also been seeing a positive change in me since I used it.

  2. Kobus van Wyk

    I have been wearing glasses since school to watch TV and also to drive. Every time I had to renew my license, I did not pass the eye test and had to have it tested again by an optometrist.
    I only discovered last week that my license had expired in January and had to repeat the eye tests. This is the first time I have passed it now and without glasses. I have not worn glasses for two years now.

  3. Kobus van Wyk

    I must tell you what Glyconutrients did for me. I sit in front of my computer working all day, every day. My eyes get red and burning. I got very concerned about my eye health and the long-term damage I’m doing to my eyes and health.
    Since I started using the Glyconutrients from Perfect Health 24/7, I can see and feel the difference.
    Glyconutrients is a must for everybody’s health.

  4. Kobus van Wyk

    I had very bad tooth pain from an abscess. The Dentist wanted to do an expensive procedure. Somebody recommended that I rather open a Glyconutrient capsule and pour the powder on the tooth. Within a few minutes, the pain was gone and now I drink the caps every day.
    The pain never came back again. I went back to the Dentist. He finds nothing wrong anymore.

  5. Kobus van Wyk

    My husband and I are both diabetics. Since we started using the Glyconutrients low blood sugar levels are more manageable and much lower.
    We both feel so good!

  6. Kobus van Wyk

    Glyconutrients work … and it’s so affordable!
    After 40, our eyes all get weaker. I now suddenly had to wear glasses if I wanted to read and work on the computer.
    I have been drinking six capsules a day for the last ten days to give it a good boost so I can get more, healthy stem cells manufactured quickly.
    Ten days and I can already read better without my glasses. Now I only drink 2 per day.

  7. Kobus van Wyk

    I’m normally so constipated I can scream. I started using Glyconutrients from Perfect Health. Three days and I love it. No cramps. No discomfort.
    It even helps with my joint pains. I will suggest Glyconutrients to all my friends.

  8. Kobus van Wyk

    I have been a registered nurse and practising SCIO therapist for 12 years.
    I have been using Glyconutrients for years and am obsessed that it keeps me so healthy that despite my 63 years I do not use any prescription medication.
    However, some time ago I started struggling with rheumatism and stiffness of my limbs. I met CURCUMIN quite recently and what a wonderful difference the Curcumin in combination with the Glyconutrients did not do for me.
    Pain and stiffness are a thing of the past. I, therefore, recommend this combination to my clients as well as viral to my friends and family.

  9. Kobus van Wyk

    I used the Glyconutrients two weeks back for a stomach ulcer that gave me a lot of problems throughout my pregnancy (I could not use any medication) and also turned into terrible back pain.
    After two days on the Glyconutrients, I no longer knew of any pain or stomach ulcers.

  10. Kobus van Wyk

    I had a tooth abscess that tormented me! Tortured for more than two weeks has. I was already on two antibiotic courses and there was no healing. Going for another series of antibiotics was just too bad for me.
    My Mom told me about Glyconutrients from Perfect Health 24/7, and I tried it. Within 2 days the abscess was gone and the swelling subsided.
    Glyconutrients performed a miracle!

  11. Kobus van Wyk

    My gums ached, but the doctors did not find any cause. Painkillers were part of my daily routine. Someone introduced me to Glyconutrients by Perfect Health 24/7, and I started using it. I just drank four the first day and within a day my gums no longer hurt.
    Glyconutrients are now part of my daily routine and painkillers are a thing of the past!

  12. Kobus van Wyk

    My friend was telling me that her Aunt tried to have a baby for six years and her mom finally convinced her to try Glyconutrients from Perfect Health 24/7 and the next month she was pregnant.

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