Moringa Capsules


Organic Superfood, Super Multi-Vitamin, 90 Nutrition’s, 46 Antioxidants, 18 Amino Acids, Vitamins and Minerals.


Packed with vitamins and minerals. It’s a source of plant-based protein. It may help balance hormones. Protects the liver. Helps fight free radicals. Reduce inflammation. Balance blood sugar. Improves digestion. Supports brain health.

Do not use if you are pregnant women or nursing.

Moringa Oleifera leaves contain:

  • Minerals: Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Sodium, Zinc.
  • Vitamins: Folate-total, Folate-food, Folate-DFE, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Riboflavin, Thiamin Vitamin A-RAE, B6
  • Lipids: No Fatty Acids or Cholesterol
  • Amino Acids: Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic Acid, Cystine, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Serine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine.
  • Flavinoids: Isorhamnetin, Kaempferol, Myricetin, Quercetin.
  1. Kobus van Wyk

    MORINGA Oleifera IS A TRUE MIRACLE and I saw it with my own eyes! My housekeeper’s husband was diagnosed with Diabetes and has been struggling and became very ill. He ended up at the clinic every second week. In May 2019 the doctor prescribed insulin AND he was given a machine to test his sugar. On the 7th of May, he stood in our kitchen with his machine so that we could help him use it for the 1st time. We tested his sugar, and it was 20.1 – scary!
    On the 11th of May, my sister told her about MORINGA Oleifera. He started using it on 16 May and his sugar was 20. He drinks 5ml x 3 per day before meals. His sugar levels dropped significantly when we tested it. It went down from 20 to 4.2 in just a few days.
    Diabetes is such a serious illness, but THIS is a real miracle!

  2. Kobus van Wyk

    I am amazed by this product. I used 2 capsules on Saturday evening and could feel the benefits. I had a deeper sleep. I woke up with ease after 5 hours of sleep and had a great day.
    Today I’ve felt energized too!

  3. Kobus van Wyk

    I have tried numerous over-the-counter remedies for my Gout and Osteo Arthritis but only mild short relief.
    Been using Moringa Oleifera now for many years, and not only do I not get Gout anymore, but my Arthritis is also 99% gone.
    I got a bonus from using Moringa, in that I am free of sinusitis.
    Wonderful, wonderful leaf … I now have my hubby on the Good Green Leaf

  4. Kobus van Wyk

    I was hospitalized for tuberculosis and urinary infections. The antibiotics cost more than R450.00 per capsule, and I had to take five different kinds of medicines. The symptoms would subside but after a while, blood came out when I coughed.
    A friend let me try Moringa Oleifera and she told me that it has anti-tuberculosis and anti-bacterial properties. I tried it. My health has improved.
    I also tried to make the used tea as a feminine wash and the itchiness brought by the infection subsided. I took more of the juice because it was a lot cheaper, and miraculously the itchiness was completely gone, and I no longer have the symptoms of tuberculosis.
    Until now, I have been taking Moringa juice because it has helped me a lot and I want to boost my immune system so that I will be totally cured.

  5. Kobus van Wyk

    Moringa Oleifera is working well thank you, I sleep better and my stomach is better, no more lactose intolerance. I’m coping very well with all the stress at work, way better than I thought I would.
    I recommended moringa to other people who are using it now and feeling the difference. I will never stop using it.

  6. Kobus van Wyk

    Kathy and I have been taking it for 6 weeks now…I am so pleased that the sugar has come down, and I can use my fingers now…I do a lot of crochet, etc.

  7. Kobus van Wyk

    I’ve been using the Moringa Oleifera for a month now. Got endless problems with pain full feet, and actually started losing feeling in the tips of my toes. Had blood tests done for Gout, Diabetes and Arthritis, all negative?
    Dr prescribed Lyrica which had such bad side effects and flushed the pills down the toilet (a very expensive flush).
    The pain is 90% less at this stage, my feet also don’t swell as much as they used to.
    Excessive sweating is also 50% better. I have a pacemaker and suffer from high blood and cholesterol, did a test a week ago – skipped the high blood pills for the weekend, and blood pressure stayed normal. I will never be without Moringa again, got most of my friends on it already.
    Excellent product!

  8. Kobus van Wyk

    I’m 45 years old and had been suffering from high blood pressure with a usual reading of 200/110. I had been feeling weak and could not walk long distances without feeling dizzy and having shortness of breath.
    After two months of drinking Moringa Concentrated Juice, my blood pressure dropped to 110/85 and I no longer experience the shortness of breath and dizziness every time I walk longer.
    It really works for me, and I feel that the more I drink the tea the better my body will become.

  9. Kobus van Wyk

    I will never be able to go without Moringa Oleifera it cured my psoriasis for good.

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