Moringa Powder


Organic Superfood, Super Multi-Vitamin, 90 Nutrition’s, 46 Antioxidants, 18 Amino Acids, Vitamins and Minerals.


Packed with vitamins and minerals. It’s a source of plant-based protein. It may help balance hormones. Protects the liver. Helps fight free radicals. Reduce inflammation. Balance blood sugar. Improves digestion. Supports brain health.

Do not use it if you are a pregnant woman or nursing.

Moringa Oleifera leaves contain:

  • Minerals: Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Sodium, Zinc.
  • Vitamins: Folate-total, Folate-food, Folate-DFE, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Riboflavin, Thiamin Vitamin A-RAE, B6
  • Lipids: No Fatty Acids or Cholesterol
  • Amino Acids: Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic Acid, Cystine, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Serine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine.
  • Flavinoids: Isorhamnetin, Kaempferol, Myricetin, Quercetin.
  1. Kobus van Wyk

    I had been suffering from a skin allergy, ulcers, and insomnia for a few years already.
    I had a hard time eating because it would result in skin rashes and extreme stomach acidity, even with fruits. In addition, I had difficulty sleeping.
    I have been taking Moringa Juice for quite some time already and to my relief,
    I can eat practically anything without worrying about skin rashes and stomach acidity and I can sleep regularly.

  2. Kobus van Wyk

    I had been taking medication for my arthritis and chest pain but still, I could barely walk, my entire legs are swollen and had recurring bouts of chest pain.
    My daughter introduced Moringa Juice, and it really gave a drastic change in my condition after three weeks.
    I don’t have chest pain anymore. My legs are not swollen, and I could walk and even go to church without the pain. Now, I am taking it every day. It’s a lot cheaper and healthier than taking my prescribed medicines.

  3. Kobus van Wyk

    Before my menstruation is not regular and once I have it, it would take at least two weeks to end, and it really worried me. It is even accompanied by severe stomach cramps.
    When I started taking Moringa Juice, my menstruation became regular, and it would only take five days at the most to end and I don’t have stomach cramps anymore.

  4. Kobus van Wyk

    I was once seriously ill and after getting the treatment I was left very weak, and I could sense that my immune was weak. I had lots of body pains in my stomach, kidney areas and chest. My vision was blurred, and my memory was no longer sharp. A close friend said that I need to get Moringa capsules to boost my immune system. . The moment I started using Moringa capsules I felt a great change in my body and got more energy. I have been using Moringa for almost 2 years now and I no longer feel any body pains and I hardly get sick. I am now fit as a fiddle, and I can do my marathon again.
    I feel pumped up the whole day and I can now stand the way I wish. I think Moringa does work, and I am so grateful! I have recommended it to many people, and they love it!

  5. Kobus van Wyk

    I have been taking Moringa since 26th May, which makes it 12 days today and already I can feel a great difference in my joints and energy levels.

  6. Kobus van Wyk

    My knees were painful especially if I eat something oily. I am also hypertensive. My daughter introduced Moringa to me and I just took it religiously.
    Right now, I don’t have pains in my knees and other joints and my blood pressure has been stable.

  7. Kobus van Wyk

    Moringa is the best, I use to have joint pains but since I started to use Moringa all the pains are gone. Thank you!

  8. Kobus van Wyk

    I have been suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis since 1987 and put on chronic meds since 1997. Over the years it has done so much damage to my joints I had to go for several surgeries. I couldn’t sleep due to pain. Ever since I started using Moringa, I feel so much better. Sometimes I forget that I have it. I sleep well and feel good. I recommend this for many ailments and just for maintaining health.

  9. Kobus van Wyk

    My arthritis started three (3) years ago and I have been under medication, but it only relieves the pain but didn’t cure it. My wife has been taking Moringa for her myoma and she told me that Moringa is effective for my arthritis. I’ve always been sceptical about the benefit of herbal products, but I tried them anyway.
    After taking it for three (3) consecutive days, I didn’t feel any pain in my knees and decided to continue taking it until now. To my surprise, I’m completely pain-free and instead of taking my medication, I opted to take Moringa every day.

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